
How much to gain a full figure

There exist legends about a full-figured body and most of the ladies
having such are either little overweighted or almost obese. How much
should I gain from 45kg (height 1.58cm, light bones) to look curvy?
13 years

How much to gain a full figure

Depends on the person, for yourself I think about 70kg+ would get you at the least some signifcantly more and obvious curves then you currently have. smiley
13 years

How much to gain a full figure

Thanks for your suggestion. So far I have not had encouragement because of
social pressure, but in a long run more weight is welcome. 70-75 kg has been somewhat the goal and we shall see how the evening diet will work out.
Cake and chocolate. njam :-)

13 years

How much to gain a full figure

Eh, don't expect to get too much encouragement in real life unless you are lucky enough to meet a feeder/fa, the social pressure also probably won't get any easier either.

However, thats what this site is for, post some pics, give some updates and I'm sure you'll be able to attract some attention and support. Good Luck! smiley
13 years

How much to gain a full figure

You are fully right by referring to the reality. I used to be fatter and honestly speaking enjoyed having less stress about eating. Now my long-term relationship has ended, so there exist no need to follow constantly whether or not I have maintained the same weight. Fat or gaining happens anyway naturally in the course of aging, and why not to emphasize the feminine parts of the body with a few more pounds. There are forunately majority of men who appreciate curves, larger breasts and tights. Feeling comfortable and happy is much more important than avoiding gaining because of social expectations. I just let the weight come naturally with lesser exercise and more delicious meals. :-)
13 years